Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

rain, rain, go away....

Well, the pasture was more like a swamp with all the rain we have been getting. And those whatchamadoodle "flowers" really grew a lot, ya know, the ones you can get a fine for NOT destroying. We sprayed earlier in the year but they are pretty tough and we have not been able to keep them under control with all the rain and without a brushhog at our disposal. So, we hacked them down as a way to just control them a little for now. We found a bird's nest in one of the other weeds, this should be some hint as to how tall the pasture really got. And then it's mullberry time again so Abi picked a cup or so of those.


Lil red said...

Your header picture made me laugh.

Are you going to make more mulberry lemonade?


we should make something out of the "free" food. I guess I just need to make it out there first