Blog Archive

Saturday, May 2, 2009

boys and their toys......

a little moving of hills.....
a small amount of "mount trashmore" is now underground.....

a little uprooting of trees......

a little piling of trees.....

a little finding of baby mammals......these are mice, we (well I should say Hank) also found some little bunny rabbits......

a little mowing of the between about 10 breakdowns (old piece of junk) but you can't expect much for $300......

a little jump starting of the piece of junk just to get her going.....

have you ever heard of jump starting a lawn mower?

1 comment:

DaveWick said...

oh yeah. sometimes those things need a jump.

I used to be a certified repair tech for Dixon mowers. The place I worked was a dealer for them. They're a pretty nice unit if the motor is in decent shape...