I've been working on my cupboard. I can't unveil it yet. But when I'm ready, I will. I have it all sanded down and some of the new paint on. The desired finish it going to take several steps so it's taking a while. In this picture I had just begun to sand, clean and remove the stuff stuck to the counter top part. stay tuned......it'll be great. Hopefully I can work on it later today, after I paint for someone else first! Will I have any energy left? we'll see.
I can't wait to see the finished product! I know it will be beautiful!
I love your blog! I know I don't ever comment but I do love it and read every post!
It's looking good! Do I remember correctly that you are going to put glass in the upper cupboard doors? It's going to look wonderful when you're done.
not sure if I'm going to do the glass. It's final resting place is right by the back door in a mud room. not sure if it's a good place to display things like I planned....but I can change it later easily enough...thanks for looking gals, I feel so special.
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