today we finally lit a fire and began to burn lath and some of the junk laying around. I have to tell you, I have been looking forward to this! while clearing out the house and looking over the property we rounded up a half dozen couches and chairs at least! driving out to our property and seeing that pile of couches just was down right discouraging. today, some of them burned. I haven't really let you see the junk piles yet. I don't want anyone to faint. in fact, I'm trying not to faint myself. tomorrow will be another day of burning junk and debris. maybe some mattresses? yes, there's a few of those too. we rigged up this tarp/sled thingy, it works pretty swell for dragging a pile around the house and down the hill a little ways where the burn pit is. look, only two-thirds of the lath pile left to burn! cheer up everyone. a lot was reduced to ashes today. yay!!!!
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